The series is dedicated to the characters from Joseph Brodsky’s poem “December 24, 1971”, busy preparing for Christmas in the hustle and bustle of everyday “Two People Carrying a Christmas Tree (#644)”
The series is dedicated to the characters from Joseph Brodsky’s poem “December 24, 1971”, busy preparing for Christmas in the hustle and bustle of everyday Soviet life.
In these everyday scenes, the swarming crowd in the market, the cleaning of the streets, we hear echoes of the bustle of the world, in the middle of which the mystery of the traditional nativity scenes is played out.
The shape of the toys is inspired by traditional wooden dolls from northern Russia.
Christmas Market (#645)
The series is dedicated to the characters from Joseph Brodsky’s poem “December 24, 1971”, busy preparing for Christmas in the hustle and bustle of everyday “Christmas Market (#645)”
Mandarin Sellers (#646)
The series is dedicated to the characters from Joseph Brodsky’s poem “December 24, 1971”, busy preparing for Christmas in the hustle and bustle of everyday “Mandarin Sellers (#646)”
Street Cleaners (#647)
The series is dedicated to the characters from Joseph Brodsky’s poem “December 24, 1971”, busy preparing for Christmas in the hustle and bustle of everyday “Street Cleaners (#647)”
Cocooned (#648)
The series is dedicated to the characters from Joseph Brodsky’s poem “December 24, 1971”, busy preparing for Christmas in the hustle and bustle of everyday “Cocooned (#648)”